Mon, 24 February 2020
NBC 648: Milana Leshinsky: Effectively Manage Your Group Coaching Program (with Group Coaching Genie)!
Group coaching is one of the best ways to serve more clients in less time. Without the right tools, however, it's easy to get overwhelmed and get lost in the details of managing your coaching groups. Milana Leshinsky is the founder of Group Coaching Genie, a tool that allows you to easily create your group programs and deliver them to clients with a click of a button. With Group Coaching Genie you can spend less time managing your programs and do more of what you love!
Direct download: 648_Milana_Leshinsky_Effectively_Manage_Your_Group_Coaching_Program_with_Group_Coaching__Genie.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EDT |