Natural Born Coaches

Have you ever thought about writing a book? Today’s expert guest is Trisha Fulton of Author Heroes, whose specialty is helping clients write and publish their first book, and she helps take away the guesswork and give you the tools to write and publish your own book in just 30-days. In this episode, you’ll get Trisha’s best tips on the book writing and publishing process, including where to start, why you need to stick with one core message, her advice for combating writer’s block, and so much more!

If you want to connect with people on a much deeper level, it’s time to write your very own book! Trisha has taken her years of knowledge from writing and publishing her own books, as well as ghostwriting and helping others do the same, and created her course, Fasttrack Author, for coaches who are tired of hustling and are looking to grow their online presence and authority. You can register now at, and as a listener of this podcast, you’ll receive a special 50% discount by using the promo code “Jungle”!

Direct download: 791_Trisha_Fulton_Author_Heroes_Get_Your_Book_Out_in_Just_30_Days.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST