Natural Born Coaches

Nancy Mueller gives her strategies for how coaches can raise their fees, and their impact on the world!

Direct download: NancyMuellerSummittEdited.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Hina Khan shares the mindset strategies that she uses to help her clients charge what they're worth!

Direct download: HinaKhanSummitEdited.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Ellory Wells is a business coach who is all about empowering entrepreneurs, and works with people wanting to become entrepreneurs. He is a based in Texas and is an avid blogger and the host of the “Empowered Podcast.”

Direct download: ElloryWellsMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

David Taylor is a highly-sought after coach who transforms lives at "Coaching Unlimited".  David underwent a process of increasing his fees, and shares the strategies that he used to do it! 

Direct download: DavidTaylorSummitEdited.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Julie Latz is a coach, author and certified as a food psychology coach through the Spencer Institute. For 45 years, she went through yo-yo dieting and the binging cycle herself. She suffered through the shame, guilt and embarrassment that every binge eater feels, wondering what was wrong with her and what others think. This led to simple, yet effective, method to take control of her eating. She’s developed her own system ( and now helps improve the lives of other people in a similar situation.

Direct download: JulieLatzMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Mimika Cooney was born in South Africa and is a TV host, published author, speaker and expert in branding and video marketing. Her passion is helping entrepreneurs attract their perfect clients and position their brand for higher sales by sharing her branding and marketing expertise. She has run four successful businesses in three different countries and is currently based in Charlotte, North Carolina, with her family.


Direct download: MimikaCooneySummitEdited.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Jim Palmer has been a coach for 7 years, and has an extensive background in franchising, marketing and business building. He is the host of Newsletter Guru TV and Stick Live Glue Radio, as well as the creator of the Dream Business Academy.

Direct download: JimPalmerMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Based in Troy, Ohio, along with her husband Dave, Kim founded Sutton Strategic Solutions in 2012. The company offers business consulting, success coaching, Infusionsoft, social media and virtual assistant services.

Direct download: KimSuttonMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Johnny FD is an author of two books and host of the “Travel Like A Boss” podcast. He has a travel and a business blog, multiple online businesses and coaches others how to maximize their passive income with various online vehicles.

Direct download: JohnnyFDMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Marc Mawhinney gives a sneak peek at the upcoming "Command Higher Coaching Fees" summit which starts on October 26th!

Direct download: Episode302Multi_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Rich Litvin is an expert at taking high-achievers to the greatest level of success. Originally from England, he has taught worldwide and is now a coach and best-selling co-author of “The Prosperous Coach”.

Direct download: RichLitvinMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Antiqua Lisha is a visibility specialist and founder/CEO of Your Own University. Based in Alaska, she is a coach who helps women take back their power and gain visibility in their world.


Direct download: AntiquaLishaMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Don Hutcheson is the creator and host of the podcast “Discover Your Talent – Do What You Love”. He is a lifelong entrepreneur, inventor, author and coach who helps people build a career of success, satisfaction and freedom.

Direct download: DonHutchesonMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Linda Hollander is known as “The Wealthy Bag Lady” and is a sponsorship and business mentor. She is the author of “Bags to Riches” and “Corporate Sponsorship in 3 Easy Steps”. She is the founder of Sponsors Secret Seminar, a speaker and animal lover.

Direct download: LindaHollanderMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Matt Inglot is the founder of Tilted Pixel, a 10-year old web agency that specializes in turning visitors into customers. He is also the host of his own podcast, “Freelance Transformation”, a show devoted to helping people in creative services transform their businesses.


Direct download: MattInglotMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Monica Day has developed a unique approach to coaching that focuses on integrating the scattered self into the most powerful, purest and fully expressed self. She combines over 20 years experience as a writer, performer, facilitator, entrepreneur and an instigator with a deep community to an ever unfolding personal journey.  She coaches a diverse range of individuals from business leaders, to social change activists and everything in-between.

Direct download: MonicaDayMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Tim Melanson has been self-employed for 15 years, and is the host of the upcoming podcast “Work at Home Rockstars”. He is a web developer as well as a musician who plays regularly with his band “Random Guyz”.

Direct download: TimMelansonMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Mimika Cooney was born in South Africa and is a TV host, published author, speaker and expert in branding and video marketing. Her passion is helping entrepreneurs attract their perfect clients and position their brand for higher sales by sharing her branding and marketing expertise. She has run four successful businesses in three different countries and is currently based in Charlotte, North Carolina, with her family.


Direct download: MimikaCooneyMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Adam Quiney trains coaches and leaders through his company, Evergrowth Coaching. He is a former lawyer, software developer and project manager. He’s an admitted obsessive perfectionist, and with his wife Bay (who’s also his business partner), he hosts his own podcast.

Direct download: AdamQuineyMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Louis Armstrong is a woman’s midlife coach, helping them with their health, relationships, finances and finding their passions.

Direct download: LouiseArmstrongMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Scott Doucet is a speaker, Natural Born Podcasters coach and host of The Edge-ucation Podcast. His company, Edge Motivation, is geared towards helping people who are adventurous, free-thinking and living life on their own terms.

Direct download: ScottDoucetMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Heather Havenwood is a serial entrepreneur and is regarded as a top authority on Internet Marketing, business strategies and marketing. She has instructed, coached and promoted hundreds of entrepreneurs leading them down the path to success and is the author of “Sexy Boss: How the Empowerment of Women is Changing the Rule Book For Sex, Money and Success" 

Direct download: HeatherAnnHavenwoodMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Jason Goldberg is a transformational speaker, life architect, and leadership/business coach. He is the founder of and is a former rapper who has opened up for the Wu-Tang Clan and has lost over 120 lbs. Along with Steve Chandler, Jason co-hosts his own video show “The Not So Serious Life.”

Direct download: JasonGoldbergMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Jennifer Urezzio is the founder of Soul Language. She helps people alleviate suffering through connection. She is an expert at using at intuitive abilities in everyday life to help people achieve their goals.

Direct download: JenniferUrezzioMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST

Hisham was an mechanical engineer for 12 years, and had a rough series of events two years ago. These events lead to him reading a book, “Awaken the Giant Within” by Tony Robbins, which gave him a better understanding of human psychology. He then understood that he was really a coach all of his life, and decided to pursue coaching as a profession. He obtained his certification and started his business, offering services to others.

Direct download: HishamDirbasMulti_mixdown_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30am EST