Natural Born Coaches

Today I’m joined by Monique MacDonald and Annette Sharpe to discuss Discover Your Sacred Gifts: a life-changing, and mind-shifting, experience that will have you knowing the truth of who you are… and falling in love with yourself all over again.

Direct download: 587_Monique_MacDonald_Annette_Sharpe_Discover_Your_Sacred_Gifts.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

Jarrod Haning is a mindset mentor, business owner and award-winning speaker who trains people how to double their income and double their time off by learning how to stop doing things and start causing things to happen.

Direct download: 586_Jarrod_Haning_How_To_Identify_Blind_Spots_In_Your_Business_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

Chris Sparks founded The Forcing Function in 2017 at the behest of friends and family who believed that he should share his talent for peak performance training with others.

Chris is now the right-hand man to dozens of successful entrepreneurs, giving them the systems they need to multiply their productivity and maximize their effectiveness.

After years of deconstructing and distilling the habits of top performers, Chris wrote Inflection Point, his guide to generating a complete shift in life trajectory.

In his days as a professional poker player, Chris was ranked one of the top 20 online poker players in the world.

Direct download: 585_Chris_Sparks_Multiply_Productivity_Maximize_Effectiveness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

Ajit Nawalkha is the Co-Founder of Mindvalley and the Host of Evercoach. His life was transformed by smart, gifted coaches and mentors, and this motivated him to become a coach himself. His mission is to empower dedicated educators, coaches and teachers to facilitate positive change in the world.

Direct download: 584_Ajit_Nawalkha_The_Freedom_of_Choice.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

Michael Praver is a business funding coach, educator, public speaker and the founder of Business Coach Funding. He has been in the business credit and business finance industry for over 20 years and has used this experience to help many entrepreneurs in various fields find the funding they need to move their projects forward.

Direct download: 583_Michael_Praver_Funding_Your_Business_and_Your_Clients.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST