Natural Born Coaches

Today I’m doing something that I have not done in almost 8 years of hosting Natural Born Coaches, and that is releasing a “Best Of” episode to highlight one of our most downloaded episodes ever!

Steve Chandler is no stranger to a lot of coaches who listen to this show, as he’s known as “The Godfather of Coaching” and is the author of a ton of amazing books for coaches. I’ve had Steve on the podcast twice before, and in this episode which originally aired in November 2020, Steve shares his thoughts on the forgotten art of relationship-building.

If you didn’t catch it the first time around, or you want to get a refresher, this episode is a good one for all coaches to listen to, no matter where you are in your journey!

Direct download: 776_Best_Of_Steve_Chandler_The_Forgotten_Art_of_Relationship_Building.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST