Natural Born Coaches

Today’s special guest founded the leading coaching company for health and fitness professionals, Healthpreneur®, and he’s here to reveal how he helps create more impact and freedom for health and fitness professionals. Yuri Elkaim is a New York Times bestselling author and health practice success mentor who has built two multiple 7-figure businesses that have served over 500,000 people since 2006, but what Yuri shares in this episode can be of value to a coach in any niche!

Today’s guest helps the hidden high achievers (that's people like you) to ditch their stoppable cycles, step into their unstoppable cycles and ultimately finally get out of their own way and make their dreams a reality! Serena Dodd joins me on the podcast to share her insights on human design, and as a coach, what you need to know about positive psychology. In this episode, you’ll learn about the real impact that managing your mind will have on your well-being – and your coaching business!  


Direct download: 796_Serena_Dodd_The_Basics_of_Human_Design.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

You’ve probably heard about the importance of building and growing your email list as a coach, and today’s expert guest knows a thing or two about this topic! Igor Kheifets is the world’s highest-paid email marketer, and he specializes in helping average people break the link between their time and their income. In this episode, Igor shares valuable insight on how to create massive leverage by building your email list, and I’m excited to share this information with you here on the podcast!

Direct download: 795_Igor_Kheifets_Create_Massive_Leverage_by_Building_Your_Email_List.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

Today’s guest has worked with over 1,000 startups and hundreds of established businesses over the past decades, and he’s set himself apart as a CEO who goes to great lengths to help fellow entrepreneurs achieve their goals. During this time, Gabe Arnold has seen what to do, and what not do, with email marketing, and in this episode, he shares his tips for getting the most from your email marketing efforts!

If you want more great strategies for growing your email list consistently, Gabe is hosting a special training on Thursday, December 15th at 1 pm EST, and to register now go to We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

Direct download: 794_Gabe_Arnold_Getting_Better_Results_From_Your_Email_Marketing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST