Natural Born Coaches

James is the author of six internationally best-selling books including his New York Times bestseller HARMONIC WEALTH: The Secret to Attracting the Life You Want; and a co-author and contributor to THE SECRET. Ray has worked with over 1 million people from 145 countries through his audio, video, coaching, and life and business leadership programs. Over 1 million people have attended his live events worldwide.

After rising to the pinnacle of his profession, he and his company were involved in a tragic accident in 2009 and he lost everything. Since that time, he has applied the same strategies he taught his clients for decades to rebuild his own life and business and to come back strong.

Because of his experience in building from humble beginnings and scratch, as well as rebuilding after hitting rock bottom post terrible crises, James has the unique experience and ability to help those at the top, those on the climb, and those who must put their life back together to get up and climb again.

In his mission to positively impact a minimum of one billion lives and businesses worldwide, Ray continues relentlessly to bring his experience, resilience, adaptability, and wisdom to all those he’s blessed to serve and support.

Direct download: 613_James_Arthur_Ray_The_Rise_The_Fall_The_Coming_Back.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

Wendy Maynard helps service-based business owners and creative business professionals to turn their business around and put them on the fast track to more income, more impact, and more time for the life they want to live.

Pamela Bruner is a sought-after business coach, author, and speaker with a history of groundbreaking successes in the transformational industry. After removing her own discomfort with marketing and sales, Pamela built her business from $375/month to $1,000,000 in less than 3 years. She specializes in working with conscious entrepreneurs to build six and seven-figure businesses by combining effective marketing strategies with cutting-edge mindset tools.

Pamela created Attract Clients Online, a social media marketing agency, to support other transformational entrepreneurs like coaches, healers, speakers, trainers, and authors. She helps them introduce their brands to worldwide audiences, while being well-rewarded for their transformational gifts.

To register for Pamela’s upcoming 3-day event starting June 13th, Transform: Tapping into Wealth and Business Mastery, go to, with the livestream available at!

Direct download: 611_Pamela_Bruner_Transform_Your_Coaching_Biz.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

Rob Goyette has been serving the coaching community since 2007. Over that time, he’s supported many of the leaders in the coaching niche as well as their coaches. Rob helps coaches and small business owners attract and enroll clients through various programs, and in this episode you’ll hear about the program he’s the most proud of, his 15-minute laser coaching model to help you sign up clients for a year or more in advance (without strategy sessions)!

You can register for Rob’s webinar to learn more about how to quickly add coaching revenue into your bank account in as little as four days at!

Direct download: 610_Rob_Goyette_A_Fast_Revenue_Coaching_Strategy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST