Mon, 28 March 2022
In the online space funnels are often talked about, but how do you know if your funnel is even effective, or if it’s broken? Doug Greathouse is the Chief Marketing Strategist at SalesSite, and in this episode, he reveals what we as coaches need to know about funnels! **** I have an exciting opportunity for you, as I’m currently bringing business coaches on to my team! If you’re a coach, or an aspiring coach who wants a done-for-you system to get clients (and results for those clients!) check out my free training at!
Direct download: 758_Doug_Greathouse_How_to_Fix_a_Broken_Funnel.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Mon, 21 March 2022
In today’s episode you’ll meet my special guest Britt Seva, who has been coaching stylists to $100k+ years since 2012 using her modern, proven, and actionable marketing strategies. Regardless of the niche you’re in, what Britt reveals here can help you build your coaching business! **** I have an exciting opportunity for you, as I’m currently bringing business coaches on to my team! If you’re a coach, or an aspiring coach who wants a done-for-you system to get clients (and results for those clients!) check out my free training at!
Direct download: 757_Britt_Seva_Coaching_Stylists_to_Create_Their_Wealthiest_Lives.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Mon, 14 March 2022
Courses, marketing campaigns, and other content must be created to have a growing and profitable business, but when you do all that work, you’re working against yourself. In this episode, Wally Carmichael returns to discuss how you can eliminate the overwhelm of content and asset creation, so you can actually coach business owners and enjoy the freedom lifestyle you desire! If you’re looking for a done-for-you system for business coaches and consultants, you’re going to want to check out ! ***** How would you like to build your dream coaching business, and would you like to work directly with me and get my help to do it? If so, I’m now accepting applications to my next Construct Your Dream Coaching Business Group Program, where I’ll work with you over 12 weeks to get your coaching business rocking and rolling! To apply, go to, and I’m looking forward to working with you soon! There are a million Facebook Groups out there (and you’re probably a member of a lot of them), but The Coaching Jungle Facebook Group is different! It’s where you’ll find tens of thousands of amazing coaches sharing advice and giving accountability to each other, along with a healthy dose of motivation to grow your coaching business, each and every day. Swing on in and join The Coaching Jungle Facebook Group! Make sure to check out Secret Coach Club, my monthly hard copy newsletter that’s delivered to your mailbox each month! In it, I share my best strategies and advice for getting new coaching clients – all for about $3 a day, with flexible subscription options. Learn more at, and don’t delay!
Direct download: 756_Marc_Mawhinney_Wally_Carmichael_An_Easier_Path_to_Success_for_Business_Coaches.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30am EST |
Mon, 7 March 2022
To get different results you need a new way of learning, which is why I’m looking forward to introducing you to today’s guest, Brian Campbell of The Freedom Initiative. Brian has his finger on the pulse of online business and the coaching industry, and in this episode, he reveals the power in using hashtags to attract your ideal clients! If you enjoyed this episode, you’re going to want to take part in Brian’s free training he’s giving on Monday, March 14th, 2022, at 5 pm EST. Visit to reserve your spot now! ***** How would you like to build your dream coaching business, and would you like to work directly with me and get my help to do it? If so, I’m now accepting applications to my next Construct Your Dream Coaching Business Group Program, where I’ll work with you over 12 weeks to get your coaching business rocking and rolling! To apply, go to, and I’m looking forward to working with you soon! There are a million Facebook Groups out there (and you’re probably a member of a lot of them), but The Coaching Jungle Facebook Group is different! It’s where you’ll find tens of thousands of amazing coaches sharing advice and giving accountability to each other, along with a healthy dose of motivation to grow your coaching business, each and every day. Swing on in and join The Coaching Jungle Facebook Group! Make sure to check out Secret Coach Club, my monthly hard copy newsletter that’s delivered to your mailbox each month! In it, I share my best strategies and advice for getting new coaching clients – all for about $3 a day, with flexible subscription options. Learn more at, and don’t delay!
Direct download: 755_Brian_Campbell_How_To_Use_Hashtags_To_Attract_Your_Ideal_Clients.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |